Renewable Energy is the Foundation for


Wind energy

Harnessing the Wind to supply a constant stable source of clean power is no longer a challenge. Storage systems also support the “don’t lose if not used” challenge”


Waste to energy

Proper disposal of Waste continues to be a challenge but new technologies provide for 99.999% disposal without harmful emissions of toxins or GHG’s, or deadly LANDFILL sites


Solar Energy

Advances in Solar Technologies and Battery Storage systems have made solar farms a must have in any country’s RE mix



Advanced chemistry techniques now allow for cellulosic bio-material to be converted to a variety of fuels – bio-diesel, and Aviation Jet fuel to name but a few.  Bio-fuels is gaining a much stronger mix in their RE make up

clean tech

projects that adapt sustainable value Business drivers

Companies that have built their projects using SV drivers have met and exceeded their investment  objectives. Stock values continue to rise, market support is strong amid world energy crises.

cost reduction
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more power
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Cleaner energy
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Our Research

Renweable Energy Case Studies

vision for the future

better, Cleaner and safer energy for our planet

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